Graduating with an Arts Degree
"Is an arts degree useless?" Pretty much. I seem to see this question asked a lot, either to me personally or online and I always see a magnitude of answers, some who say its very useful and informative, but mostly I see 'lol of course its useless.' I kind of stand in the middle, I cant talk for all arts, but I have a Bachelors Degree in Film Production, and personally, I really enjoyed it. Would I opt into it again if I got to turn back time 4 years knowing what I know now? Probably not, but do I regret going? Not one bit. I believe all art degrees are useless, the piece of paper does not mean anything to a fellow creative, if two people went to the owner of 'insert art related company here', one having a degree in that field, and one who had worked the last 3 years in the field, they would pick the person with 3 years experience, they do not care, for that piece of paper, without experience behind you. I took this in ...